People need to become a lot more aware. Yeah, of what is now going on. Egypt
Monday, January 31, 2011
creep is escaping
That will be our next piece of news. Military still backs Hosni Mubarak the evil dictator who feels he is a modern czar. Pharaoh would be more appropriate in this case. Well, soon we will read - creep is escaping. He will probably go live in France or somewhere else in europe.
People need to become a lot more aware. Yeah, of what is now going on. EgyptPresident dictator Hosni Mubarak is desperately clinging to power. He ordered out the army. Also, they are now firing live rounds of ammo into the crowds that are massive. Sadly, there are now many injuries.
People need to become a lot more aware. Yeah, of what is now going on. Egypt
Sunday, January 30, 2011
poverty increasing

Folks, there has been a decline in the average family's standard of living over the last few years. In fact, the decline has been max severe. People need to become more aware. That said, poverty is what we are seeing. Days of fantastic wealth and mega mansions are gone. Most citizens, now in poverty, will try to make do with less rather than dream of having more.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Liberals like to spend money
Liberals like to spend money. That usually means that taxes rise. Folks, the left is in shock now. Right now, there is a reform move. It is very much genuine. Politicians are not seeing what is going on. Egypt should be a wake up. What people want is jobs and higher wages. Instead, we see factories shutting down and moving overseas. This leads to more unemployment and lower wages.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Financial crisis

Panel looks into causes of the financial crisis. Well, I can tell you the cause. Yeah, I can. It is execs. They make a lot of money. However, they pay poor wages. Always firing workers and cutting wages. What is the result for us. Well, our current financial crisis where unemployment is massive. Also, the few jobs available like fast food have low pay. Put the blame on where is belongs - execs.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Falling work force numbers
Falling work force numbers are a problem max major. Sadly, our work force is shrinking now. This is due to a broken jobs engine. Also, there are many bankrupt companies. Students cannot find jobs in their area. There are many force into fast food which is low paying. People, truly things look grim. Hope there is a turn around this year.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
unemployment rises
Folks, we see that unemployment is rising in twenty states, and falling in fifteen others now. That is not a good sign. It just went over 12.5% in California a state that is near bankruptcy and that should be the wake up call for us. How much more evidence is necessary? Things are not improving. Fact is, unemployment rises and our economy is getting worse.
Monday, January 24, 2011
CME no power

Scientists are saying in 2012 due to a CME there is no power. Well, we believe there is no power in the future, but for another reason. What exactly happens we are not sure. It depends on the timeline that you see. It is going to be world wide it appears. Also, there are no running cars.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Two suns

Betelgeuse will go supernova soon. There will be two suns in the sky for us. Folks, this is wonderful and then some. Yeah, to look up and see in the sky not one sun, but two suns. It will be like a binary star system, simply juss awesome. Sadly, we will have to wait a few years. Here is looking up.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
3TB Hard Disk

There is a 3TB hard disk from seagate now. OK so this is the future guys. A lot more storage for all those mini movies. Problem is that it need 64bit win 7 to work its magic. This hard disk is super fast and will push your system way to the max. I would like to get one. Yeah, like getting one right now even.
Friday, January 21, 2011
retina scans

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tron Legacy arrives
Folks, this is a case of Tron Legacy arrives. We love to see it in imax. It was just a max awesome movie. Not just the special effect even. Hey, I mean it was the sequel that is super. That or shall we say superior. Technology has taken off in the last few years. Tron is but a ghost of what can become in the days to come. Expect in the future computer graphics to be so good that the look real to us. At least, that is how they will appear.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011
our oceans
Folks, water covers most of our world and we are not aware. It is like a giant ocean. Continents are like islands in a huge sea. People are rarely aware of our oceans and what is going on.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Global Trade

Global trade has a few imbalances now. Hey, take a look over at Walmart and you will find that most products say MADE IN CHINA. This causes us to have fewer jobs in america. Also, we lack the industrial base we had once. Sadly, those bright days are now over. Citizens, our future looks quite grim. We have become a nation of services. For example, car repair. However, soon those automobiles will be made in china because we cannot compete with their lower wages. Expect the manufacture of cars to leave expensive japan soon. People will remember that at one time there was a toyota prius. It will be a foot note in a history book - in digital form of course.
Monday, January 17, 2011
$100 crude is coming

People we are seeing inflation in energy. $100 crude is coming. Solution is green power. However there is a lot of politicians getting money from oil companies. Expect no alternate energy such as ZPE in coming years. This is an HDRKID prediction for you. Basically, it means you pay the pump. Already gas is expensive. Most places it is over $3 per gallon and rising. Peak oil is reason. We produce less petroleum each year. Also, the demand for this $100 crude is increasing. Sadly, much of that demand comes from china and other emerging economies.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
fear turns into panic

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Let freedom ring
OK so one dictator is gone. Tunisia is still not free, but it can breathe a little easier. Around the world, decrepit dictators are gonna be pacing halls of mega mansions worrying. Well, they shall have to pace the floor some more. People have had enough and want them to go away.
Friday, January 14, 2011

I like my HDR. It is fun to have one. That said many debunkers attack me online even. Well, here is a heads up. Two teens were arrested for face book bullying in florida so get wise.
HDR make me happy so I post on it. That is why we are HDR users. However, people need to find a vortex to have a great experience. Look for a magnetic vortex and place here you can find one. Great place is a bald spot or bare area. A spot in the lawn with no grass.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Believers gene

There is a believers gene. It makes religious people reproduce more. This make them more evolutionary fit in terms of darwin's theory, so there you go. Hey, it seems that we do better if we believe in God, and that is not just in this life either, but in the one to come.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Falling home prices

printers are expensive
Printers are expensive. It is not the initial cost I focus on. Fact is, that is very low in many case. Ink is the pricey one. I need to buy a new ink cartridge after printing a few pages. That said, most like brand names. Brother has some new ink cartridges that cost only $4.95 and print up to 500 pages. Folks, that is awesome. It is less than one penny per page.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Electric cars

Electrification is coming. What people want is less cost and more range. That would be great for electric cars. Still, the range is at a minimum. People have to charge the battery every day and that takes several hours now. Also, they must install charging stations in their garage. Well, this costs thousands of dollars and a special permit that getting is not easy. Things look a bit dim for the electric car. Yeah, even with expensive gas.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Shore Birds

Sunday, January 09, 2011
The real war
If good does not triumph of evil, and light darkness does not destroy plus conquer. Well, our sad fate shall then become in this war too horrible to contemplate even. Yeah, there is a war on. Children of light are fighting the children of darkness in a battle to the bitter end that shall determine the winner. Let us unite with the one light of the universe.
Saturday, January 08, 2011
eurozone woe

Hyperinflation is just around the corner. Supply of money is increasing. That said, there is a growth slowdown in eurozone. Friends, this is not good news. I think it is not growing. Perhap, it is shrinking even. That is because population is going down now. Citizens of eurozone are not having children due to price going up. People do not have any money. Right now, many are poor.
Friday, January 07, 2011

Well, one of the winners says he can see financial hawks in the air. Perhaps more accuracy in saying vultures or vampires.
That said, it is truly amazing. Hope that the winners can enjoy. People get funny when they win a lot of money.
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Franken swine
Franken swine is called the ecopig. This is the latest horror thrust upon us. It is a genetically engineer pig. Basically, we are told it is better for us. Well, I don't think so. This is all about manure. We find that the ecopigs manure contain approx half of phosphorous as regular pigs. Folks, this franken swine is worse than his unaltered cousins. Please, it is up to us. Yeah, to stop this abomination of science.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
debunker recovery
What we have is a debunker recovery. They claim that everything is fine, but that is not the case. After all, why did silver double last year. It went from $15 an ounce to over $30 an ounce. This is sign of panic. Yeah, not a good sign. Frankly, our gov tried to do a prop up. However, this is failing right now. Expect the "debunker recovery" to soon be over. Yeah, I did say soon.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Disney Dream

Disney Dream is heading to Port Canaveral now. This is a new cruise ship for you. Hey, I would like to go on a cruise. Sounds like a fun vacation to me. Get ready for a wonderful voyage.
Monday, January 03, 2011
Alien Hybrids
Dr. David Jacobs is talking about a alien hybrid integration program. Folks, this is so scary. Well, here it is. I hope these weird alien hybrids do not give you any fright mares. Please do enjoy.
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Face Book moves in sun

Face Book moves to sun micro campus. This is interesting and then some. Wonder why this is such big news. Perhaps we have a problem here vern. What is wrong with their old digs I mean. Interesting story to be sure.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
my space soon gone

Friends, my space is soon gone. In fact, my space is laying of 50% of its crew. This is a sinking ship as we see. HDRKID says it will soon have no crew, or for that matter any passengers.
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