Sunday, December 30, 2012
japanese yen
People are selling japanese yen. It is time to get some GOLD coins. Well, the yen was a stable currency. Sadly, that is not our case any more. Expect it to go lower as people around the world struggle with a poor economy.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
drop cam
Gotta love the drop cam. Basically, it is a wifi security camera. Let's people check up on the house when they are away. Setting it up is easy. Hey, this is so max. There are so many consequences. It can record video as well as stream it over the net for you.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
micro soft stores
Apple stores have been a mega hit, but now micro soft stores are popping up. For example, a new micro soft store will open in dade land mall in miami. This is strange to us. Like why is this going on. Most likely, the cool crowd will not visit the micro soft store when it opens. Yeah, those are seen as lame and then some more.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Hey, my xmas is very unmerry. Well, wish all of you a happy new year. All the best to you. Today is a day off for me. God bless you.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Hobbit is doing great in the movies. Certainly this is expected in many ways. Read the story many years ago. Middle earth seems so serene.

Sunday, December 23, 2012
amazon is culling reviews
Friends, we do not know how to break it to you. It seems amazon is culling reviews. Like that is bad news guys. Please listen to me. Customers depend of good reviews. Stop messing us up. How are we suppose to know what to buy anyway. Wish things were different with amazon. Bad and getting max worse.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Future Food
Future Food could be ground up worms. Not very appetizing, but there we can go. It would make me gag. Still, people will probably feed these meal worms on garbage from a can. @HDRKID
Thursday, December 20, 2012
cons you say
OK so liberals tend to be liberal-arts majors. How does that help us. Hey, conservative tend to be people who worked hard to get to where they are. School of hard knocks is where they got their education as we say. Well, cons you say. They do not have a lot of respect for our poor. Most blame them as lazy, and do not form a superior opinion. Liberals tend to not like war. Hey, after all we must wage peace.
Source: Uploaded by user via Mercedes on Pinterest
Monday, December 17, 2012
pump and dump
Back when gold was $400 an ounce people told me that gold would go back to 200 and would never hit 1000 ever. I predicted that it would go over 2000 and it will soon. People did accuse me. Charge was pump and dump, but that is not so. They said I would cause gold to go up. Mostly by causing some panic. Yeah, pumping it up. OK so then we would sell and dump it. Well, do you believe that gold will crash any time soon.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
year in cameras
What an exciting year it was. OK gaze on our year in cameras. Like prices are down and performance is up. That is so super. People need to understand what is now going on. SLR is finally affordable to many now. Also, people can use large camera sensors.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
alien world
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
alien abduction tape
This alien abduction tape is super. Flash of white light is common. What is now going on.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Dr Who
Dr Who is a great time travel TV series. They should make a major movie. However, time travel is strange and then some. People do not understand how strange it is. Most think that a time machine is simple and that is so. Still, it is more eerie than we can even imagine.
Source: via Courtney on Pinterest
Monday, December 10, 2012
no money
People got no money. Listen to the Will Rodgers, "Horse and Sparrow" economics. Most taxes are for the poor. Rich can move money over seas.
Saturday, December 08, 2012
People are cutting the cord and saying good bye to cable to save some money. Sadly, there is still a sense of nostalgia over on cable companies. Most still year for $100 per month to see old movies. Well, those we can see on net flix or another major movie service. Time to switch it off is now. Get a hot toddy and curl up.
Source: via Eleanor on Pinterest
Friday, December 07, 2012
Dead nurse
Latest scandal is Dead nurse. She committed suicide after a prank call from oz. Yeah, the details are below - bad show all around says me. Feel sad for the family, but there we go.
Thursday, December 06, 2012
US jobs are moving over seas
US jobs are moving over seas. This will soon become more so. Look at the effect of osamacare. It makes everything more expensive. People are losing big time, but there we go. Like congress really is a three ring circus. Not sure on the three rings. Maybe there are more.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
collapse coming
Collapse in stock market expose. That is what we view. Folks, we even see a collapse coming. That should shake you up. It is gonna be so mega.
car shopping prices
Hard to make any comparisons. I am talking about car shopping prices. Like the internet does help us. Still, there are many add on prices.
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Antarctica is not melting now. Well, actually it is growing. Yeah, every year... People see more ice. Hey, that does not see to me like global warming. Call all bore up. Tell him we are facing a new ice age. Oh yes, we have to burn coal and ban the prius.
Source: Uploaded by user via Louise on Pinterest
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