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Monday, December 02, 2019


Atlas Shrugged was an incredible ominous movie. Hey, we do not rec. Still, it is something that will stay with us. Let us leave it at that if we may. Times are not easy. Expect a bumpy ride as we go on.

Sunday, December 01, 2019


Bigfoot was always running after the wild boy for some reason. Hey, that was then and this is now. Still, we can say - his behavior is a bit um worrisome. Yeah, that is what we see.


Friday, November 29, 2019


Workers really struggle in amazon. They are in peak season now. Hey, it is not a happy holiday for many. Sadly, they really have to work a lot to make a little money. Yo, that is our case. Definitely, we need some stronger labor laws to help us. Washinton DC should get off its rear.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Being on the beach is so nice. It could be that we like the water and the wave. Yeah, those are great when it is warm. Still, the ocean can roar. Hey, it is a pleasant-sounding noise. Actually, its resonance can put me to sleep in a jiffy, but there we are. Did we say - resonance?

Sunrise at Copacobana Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Monday, November 25, 2019


Apple will take a look at some maps. Disputed borders are one reason. Politics turns our whole world into a mess. Basically, that is my own opinion. Hey, we could indeed be wrong. Let us hope that is no so.

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Oh wow, strange creatures lurk at the bottom of our ocean. That is what we see. Ah no, we mean sea. Being sorry on a pun.

Honeycomb Moray Eel

Friday, November 22, 2019


Fake university yields some arrests for ice. Yeah, that is what we see. That said, we do wonder about what this world will bring us. Just put it on ice. What does that saying even mean?


Saturday, November 09, 2019


Jobs are being sent over seas. Hey, that is a real pain. Do hope that things can improve. Right now we are in an economic crisis.

South Korea - Busan

Saturday, November 02, 2019


Oh yes, the Kia Futuron is using a UFO as inspiration - wow. Do hope that a flying saucer can inspire us. Well, we are not making this up. Yeah, the story is way too crazy insane.

Wednesday, October 09, 2019


Do you believe that cities are super? Well, do take a gander at this image. What do you see? Just give us the highlights of why it is so green.

Incheon, South Korea

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Thursday, October 03, 2019

warp drive

Yo, sci fi fans, warp drive might be coming soon. Frankly, that might seem like super news. Still, we might have in the future a lot of humans all over our enormous universe.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Elon Musk does plan to take us to um mars. OK, so some say... that is really a suicide mission. Ladies and gentlemen, we do agree. Techology available is not there yet and we do need a major breakthrough to attain some success.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Let us go on a journey. Not so sure... like on where our boat will take us even. Still, I have been told this about little streams - that they often join enormous rivers. Most of those go to our ocean.

Along The Banks

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Elon Musk

Elon Musk says that space bases could indeed preserve human civilization when the third world war occurs. Yeah, we do know that he did use the word preserve. Frankly, we could use some help in finding other places for us to inhabit in outer space. Still, we do wonder just how near... like an earth type  planet is.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

gas prices

Expect to see... like higher gas prices. ⛽ Most of us will experience some pump pain. Well, that is what we see. Do believe that our world is in an economic crisis.


Monday, August 26, 2019


Being in a forest is so serene. Ah yes, the city is full of noise. I do wonder where this track will take us. Hey, it seem so nice. Let us start an amazing voyage.


Thursday, August 22, 2019

flood water

This just in. Oh yes, floodwaters go uphill and defy gravity wow. Like we do believe that this is some insane news.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Nature is awesome. It does take our breath away. Well, that is my own opinion. Just who can say? Let us start our voyage... into an infinite enormous universe.


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

plant trees

Perchance we could plant trees to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in our air. Yeah, it would even increase our oxygen. However, our politicians are totally against ideas that make some sense.


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

yield curve inversion

Stocks could be on borrowed time due to a yield curve inversion. Frankly, this event does not surprise me. Please do not blame our on going currency war. Yeah, that is just a side show to our main movie.

Monday, August 05, 2019


Analysts fear a recession. Markets plunge as fear surges. Expect the usual excuses. Hey we need to produce more. Also, we should reduce the amount of goods that we consume.

Saturday, August 03, 2019


I do wonder about the meaning of the lamp in narnia. Oh wow, it was as an emporium in a movie. Do think it was strange in a way. Not sure on a reason.


Sunday, July 14, 2019


NYC finally did restore power. Well, that is great news. Do hope that things can improve. Hey, we fear a massive recession. Like that could affect wall street soon. It might plunge us into a severe economic crisis.


Saturday, July 13, 2019

free internet

The end of the free internet is near. John Titor did warn us. He often did speak about a coming rights erosion. Yeah, this is gonna occur. People are being told to shut up. Instead, they should, in fact, wake up.

Tuesday, July 09, 2019


Botanists say that plants are not conscious.  However, we really do not agree. Do listen to me. They are attracted to light and can respond to minor injury. Maybe, our science is wrong. Perhaps, they are in a persistent vegetative state - yes.

Deep Pink Magnolias

Monday, July 08, 2019

baby boomers

Like wow, baby boomers are doing well in our new gig economy. Yo, we did not see that one coming. Best that we keep our eyes open.

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Democracies wane

Democracies wane. OK, so  ‘authoritarian capitalism’ rises. Just look at all the jobs going over seas. Often, the new workers a little more than slaves making far less than our minimum wage. Fellows, we do need to speak up.

Wednesday, July 03, 2019


3D Glasses3D glasses were popular in the 50's, but they went away. OK, so they are back again. Frankly, we do not know what the appeal is. After all, they do seem... like a bit cumbersome, but maybe that is just me.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019


Nashville pays people to move out of flood zones. That is nice news. Always we fear when it starts to rain. This has been an interesting year. Do hope that things get better for us. Hey we fear the weather now. Basically, that it will overflow our river.

Monday, July 01, 2019


People do worry. Hey, an asteroid could hit the earth soon. Well, we do hope that is not so. After all, we would like to enjoy life some. Basically, that would make things a lot worse. Cockroaches would probably survive.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

737 max

Extended ban on 737 max. That is what happens when you employ $5 per hour engineers. Also, the programming was sent over seas. Hey, you get that for which you pay. Sadly, execs need for that lesson to sink in.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

gold mine

Life is like a gold mine. At first it is so full of big golden nuggets, but later on... those are gone. Yeah, life is usually short on delivery and long on promise.

Superstition Starlight Mine

Sunday, June 16, 2019


Yo dog, can you imagine... like a world that is ruled by canines. Well, not a lot of cool cats in that one. Hey, we cannot resist a pun.


Friday, June 14, 2019


Madonna wears a patch over one eye. She is creating a new unique persona. Could be that we will never know the real reason. Yeah, it is an enigma. OK, so she claims to be madame x now. Well, that is what she say - any way.

Monday, June 10, 2019


Technology depends on digital electronics and also computer power. Think of all the amazing... like multiple core processors. Yeah, these devices are so awesome.

Rotel RX 803 Stereo Receiver

Sunday, June 09, 2019


All of us are on a journey. Of the final destination we are not so sure. People hope for heaven and they fear that hell is near.

Moon encounter

Wednesday, June 05, 2019


Ah yes, the future is an interesting place to which we go. Maybe, we are not ready to venture forth so soon. That said, here it is.


Monday, June 03, 2019


Like wow mountains are certainly a mystery to me. Think of them as a riddle that is wrapped up in an enigma.

Mount Rainier Milky Way

Sunday, May 12, 2019

new spy museum

There is a new spy museum. James Bond would like this one. It is full of gadgets and gizmos. Well, what do we see?

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

big pharma

Here is the latest on big pharma companies. They are involved in a massive conspiracy. It is to inflate prices. Well, that should indeed surprise no one. After all, we look at health care. Oh yes, the costs keep on going up.

Saturday, May 04, 2019


Do like to see waterfalls as they can cheer me up. Sadly, we did not get a lot of rain. Most of it is up north where flooding is common. Hey, we face yet another dry year. That is what we fear my man.

private waterfalls

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Michael Jackson

Ah yes, more allegations about Michael Jackson arise. This story refuses to go away. I do wonder about what really did occur.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Uber passenger

Here is the latest on the Uber passenger. She was shot by her companion. This really is a scary universe we are in. Do hope that people renounce violence and live in peace. Oh yes, violence is something we should all renounce.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

game stop

Danger ahead for the game stop company.  Customers are going online now. They do get digital downloads instead of physical boxed games. Retail stores are getting crushed as mall traffic drops year after year. In fact, you could even say... that it might very soon be um game over.


Friday, April 19, 2019

pizza ovens

Here are the supposed best six pizza ovens. Oh yes, we did say six. Finding a great one... that is not so easy. Still, we do love to eat some amazing pizza. Food is great to making us feel more wow.

Monday, April 15, 2019

dome home

Yo, a dome home is so nice. However, they are not so common. In fact, we can say... that they are quite rare. Let us wonder why this is so. People tend to not like to be different than others in their own group. OK, so this is because they could be seen as "WEIRD" or eerie.

Gold Dome

Friday, April 12, 2019


Funny, I would never associate my own restaurant with a pig. Basically that is just me. Still, there are those who do not seem to mind this sort of shall we say - comparison. First off, pigs stink worse than poop. Second, they eat junk that belongs inside of a garbage can. Need we go on?

Little Pigs Bar-B-Q, Asheville, NC

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


I remember seeing an enormous mansion. Oh wow, it was portentous... like it spoke to me in an ominous manner. All of its neighbors were equally massive in size. Behind it was a dock with a boat parked in an awesome scene. Sadly, there was no sunrise view.

Tuesday, April 02, 2019


Tell me, what do you see? Often, light can paint a lake or a river. There is so much it does for us. Night is dark and we cannot see more.


Monday, March 25, 2019


Factories are moving over seas. There are fewer great high paying jobs that are available for us. Please do wake up. Ah yes, it is our economic crisis. Expect it to get even worse soon.

Lloyds Building, Leadenhall Street

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Harvard university

Harvard University is being sued for profiting off the pain... from slave images. Fellows, we are not making this one up. It is like the whole world has gone crazy insane. What do they want any way? Maybe, we should start to pretend that parts of our history never did occur.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

wind power

I believe that we need more energy. Yo, we could use um WIND power some. Hey, that would be so max. People should move away... from fossil fuels are those will be gone soon. Expect the future to be quite different than now. Look at all the changes that did occur... for example, in the last 200 years. Back then we used horses and wagons. Mostly, it was in the 1920's when the horse was replaced by the car. Well, we could have a future with self driving vehicles that are electric and most of our energy comes from wind power.


Thursday, March 14, 2019


College admissions scam is serious.  There are a lot of big names. Most of these people have a lot of power. It will be interesting to see... like who the fall guy is. Often, we do wonder about what is really going on.

Thursday, March 07, 2019


What destroyed sears. It is 50 years on a road to ruin. Oh yes, we did say 50 years. They were once an iconic company. OK, so those great days are over. Basically, we are living in a new era. Call it if you can... the internet age. Old dinosaurs like sears, will probably be extinct soon. All of us need to adapt to changes that occur. Eddie Lampert tried to save sears. I do hope he has success. Sadly, we do not know if what is left of this firm can even survive.

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Jobs report

Jobs report is suppose to silence worries on our economy. Frankly, we do not think so. After all, it is a strange world we are in. Hey, we could be moving into a massive recession. That is what happens when you move your industry over seas. Yo, we need to put more industrial machinery in our diet, but what do you see?

Schwere Mahlzeit

Saturday, March 02, 2019


Frankly, the rules which pesky politicians use to govern us. Have to do with raising more revenue. Most people will agree. They are not pulled outta thin air.

Monday, February 25, 2019


I wonder why people have such a fixation on power. Hey, we need to be more humble, not less so. They say that less is more. Well, we say that less is less and more is more.

Cherry Blossoms Dawn with the Jefferson Memorial


People believe that a usable time machine would be similar to those seen in science fiction time travel movies. Actually, those films are long on fiction and short on science. Just look at an airplane and you will see that we fly using a jet engine. Fact is, we do not flap our wings. This is something we should indeed keep in mind if we do hope to make some progress.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Oh yes, the malls are taking a beating in our economic nausea. Retailers are closing more stores and people wanna throw up. Fellows, things just keep on goin' max worse. Maybe, you see a light at the end of the tunnel, but to me it seems light an on coming freight train that is barreling toward us.

Dreifaltigkeit 3

Friday, February 15, 2019

see us

Friends, how do aliens see us? OK, so this is what I have heard, but we cannot be sure. Basically, it is like a loud raucous carnival with lots of flashing lights and noise. Hey, we do say raucous. Certainly, the opposite would be a peaceful mountain lake that is so serene. Well, we can sure agree. Also, I have heard that we are viewed as being a cold misery. Remember that our planet has a polar ice cap. Let me add, there is a blast of arctic cold air coming.

Big Wheel

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

apple earnings

Expect a decrease in apple earnings. Just how low can it go? Sales of phones might decline year after year. They are simply too expensive. Folks, we are heading into a deep depression or recession. Most people wanna save some coins. Hey, this chaotic event should not even surprise us.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


People have been predicting the end of sears. Actually, that has been going on... like so many years. Well, we do say that that fateful day nears. Hey, just open your eyes. Look at all those empty parking spaces. Exactly what does that even tell us.

Friday, January 11, 2019

dark days

Folks, dark days are ahead for us. Yeah, that is what we see. Just remember to keep both of your eyes open.

Où est donc le toboggan

Wednesday, January 09, 2019


I wonder why people wear rings. There after all must be a reason. Well, we are not so use on... like what it is.

Thursday, January 03, 2019


Look at this guy. He found a gold nugget while panning. That is luck we tell you. After all, there is a lot of mud in a river.

Oatman Arizona Mural