Hey, ever wish you could time travel to a decade where US was a world power? Where costs of living were low and there were plenty of jobs for everyone? Well, the 1950's fit the bill and then some. Industry was humming in america. At that time america was an oil exporter and had growing tax revenue. Oh my, how quickly things can change for the worse.
It was the birth of rock and roll with social movements that were many. Heck, even now we hear
50s slang words in use. Their use is common in many a movie. People often idolize the era. And yet, most popular time that people would like to return to. There are no less than three major movies about time travel to the 50's.
This decade had the birth of the corvette sports car. It was also when Sputnik woke us up. People began to fear russia. US started the space race. In the next decade we would land on the moon. However, after the moon landing in 1969 we started a slow decline and never did recover.