Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Video downloads to surge
Now it is reported that video downloads will surge in the future. It seems that John Titor was right after all. His predictions have slowly come true.
Perhaps we can now see why TV will be over the intenet. People will use the internet for mail, telephone, radio, even TV.
Market Meltdown

Yes folks, a market meltdown is what we have, not just in the US, but across the world. Stocks plunged yesterday and today show be another brutal day in the market. The debunkers were laughing last week with taunts but no more.
Expect gold to rise as people panic and flee a collapsing stock market. All precious metals will do well as the flight to quality continues. The combination of a weak economy and trouble in the Persian Gulf will wreak havoc with the stock market. This plunge was predicted by the HDRKID in his Time Travel Forum.
Buckle you seat belts boys, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Locating a Vortex
These are often known as silent zones, or areas of radio silence because your radio will not work there. There is a giant silent zone in Mexico. It is known as La Zona Del Silencio meaning the zone of silence.
Steven Gibbs, inventor of the HDR, says that the best method is to employ a CAT. Yes, a four foot feline works best when looking for a vortex because cats like to sleep over grid points.
A grid point is where two grid lines cross of the Hartmann Grid. This in turn can create a vortex which is kind of like a mini magnetic tornado. Steven Gibbs suggests getting an HDR cat vortex hunter to locate your grid points.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Nazi UFO in Antarctica
He goes on to say that on the Aryan timeline, the Germans won WWII and Nazis rule the whole world.
Here is the problem that I have with that theory. From what I know there are two sides. On one side you have the blondes called by many names like the Talls, Nordics, etc.
They are currently at war with the Draconians also known as dracs or reps which is short for reptilians. The dracs have as slaves the grey aliens that we see so much. These are the abductors that do experiments on people.
It appears that the Germans got help from the Aryan blondes in the beginning, but as the blondes saw how evil Hitler was they did stop sending assitance. Our side got help from the greys, but at a horrible price. We allow UFO aliens to do abductions and experiments on children.
This is one of the reasons the secret is kept from the public.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Steven Gibbs called me yesterday
Most of the improvents that Steven Gibbs has made, have been incremental. I am hoping for a big breakthrough development.
The new century will be filled with bold new advances in technology.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Orangeback ten looks like Monopoly Money

I mean, take a look at it. Do my eyes lie? This orangeback ten looks like MONOPOLY MONEY. In fact, it does not seems as serious as the old ten. I am not talking about the bighead bills, NO! I mean the old ten that has been around since the 1920's when we switched from the wide bills "horse blankets" to the new narrow bills.
Yes, those old bills commanded respect, not like this new PLAY MONEY that is in circulation. It looks like a joke. I am surprised people accept it. Then again most people never use it. The use credit cards. Still, the old ten was green and clean, but this new ORANGEBACK bill looks like it came out of a Monopoly game. It looks so much like fake toy money that I hate to even carry it.

Comparing Different Times
Yes, there are biplanes, but no regular air service. Yes there are "talkies", but most B&W movies are silent. The roaring twenties was the heyday of the silent movies.
Still, many things are close to now. There is newspaper, electric light, telephone, and even that great invention the automobile.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Jobs in the Past
The easiest jobs to get would be like busboy or bellboy, since you live on tips, the restaurant owner / hotel owner does not feel like he has to worry about paying. Also, you can eat free at the restaurant saving on expense.
There is no worry about getting a checking account at the bank since you deal in cash. Also, these jobs do not require ID in the 1800’s. Due to your strange slang many would wonder if you were from another country.
It would probably a good idea to get up to speed on local news events and find out if there’s a lot of negativity toward any one group; for example, after the potato famine in
Another group that faced hostility is immigrants from
It would be wise to hide any odd behavior or unusual tendencies from your neighbors; for example, it would be wise to not talk about astral time travel.
Still, there many positives, back in yesteryear crime as low and the air was fresh and clean.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Philosophy of Time Travel
Donnie Darko is given the book "The Philosophy of Time Travel" by it's author Roberta Sparrow AKA Grandma Death to help avert a catastrophe. Donnie users what he learns in the book to save the world using time travel.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Clinton/Gore Again?
Although he may not have enough support to win the primary. Gore is a perfect candidate for VP, tons of experience 8 years. Mostly well liked. No major scandals.
I mean who better for the VP position, the other candidates are Kuku-chicken-nich, Osama, Breck Girl, and of couse Lurch. YOU RANG?
Gore is perfect for VP, he helped Clinton win twice, Bill that is. Now, its Billary's turn. Not like she did not have her eye on the whitehouse. She has fond memories no doubt.
Billary gets the whitehouse again, and Gore gets to be VP again. It's storybook folks. Oh yes, and they lived happily ever after.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
What is Time?
What is Time?
We are prisoners of time, forced to move down the fourth dimension at the speed of one second per second. We cannot suddenly hit the pause buttton or fast forward, let alone rewind.
When you go astral time travel you see an alternate timeline, similar, but not the same.
That is the problem with Astral Time Travel.
If the timeline were exact or even extremely close you could win the lotto, horse races, and predict the NFL superbowl winner.
So the information you get is not 100% accurate for our timeline. You see what happens on another timeline that might happen on ours.
So yet again I ask.
What is time?
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Future City
That magical metropolis in the wonderful world of tomorrow. It might seem to good to be true.
Is it a dream, or is it real?
What will the cities of the future look like. Will they have flying cars overhead and robots walking the streets, or will science advance in a totally different direction?
Sunday, February 04, 2007
military officers warn against attack on Iran.
The BBC in London reports that:
- Lt Gen Robert Gard, a former military assistant to the US defence secretary
- Gen Joseph Hoar, a former commander-in-chief, US Central Command
- Vice Adm Jack Shanahan, a former director of the Center for Defense Information
"As former US military leaders, we strongly caution against the use of military force against Iran,"
Well, there you have it. All the debunkers that made fun of the war on Iran, what do they say now? How about "CNN has been reporting that for months", or "We already knew"
But when I gave the warning, people did not listen and said I was crying wolf. Are those generals also crying wolf?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Eiffel Tower Goes Dark
Today the The Eiffel Tower's 20,000 flashing lights will go dark to signify the difficult times that lie ahead.
Greenhouse gases are the chief culprit of rising global temperatures which have caused stronger hurricanes and may even cause Hypercanes.